Thursday, December 4, 2008

Because we're staying in today...

I still think this is a very fitting post - and I want to show that I'm not all yap and no substance. I work every day to teach my children to be polite. My daughter says please and thank you and before she could even say it correctly, she was asking completely strangers "Smooze me peez" when walking in front of them in the store.

This morning has been quite eventful in The Thompson House!! Bryanna is so fickle; one day she is asking to let Izaiah play in her room with her and the next she is crying that he's in her room messing with her stuff. This morning, it was the later.

As I was busy getting breakfast for everyone, Bryanna started whining that he was in her room again. Not wanting to stop what I was doing, I said "Then get him out and close the door." Whoops.

Bryanna in all her skin and bones is actually strong enough to pick up my fatty Izaiah and carry him out of the room. So she did. Unfortunately Izaiah wasn't going without a fight and while he fought to get back in, Bryanna fought to keep him out by closing the door. Too bad Izaiah's fingers were snugly wrapped around the door frame as this was occurring.

My little man's fingers are swollen like a couple of pickles and there's some blood and bruising. I tried my hardest not to yell at Bryanna (as she had only done what Mommy told her to do). After making sure Izaiah was ok and the tears were dry, Bryanna came over to check out the damage. I could see her heart break as she looked Izaiah's hand. She said "BooBoo, big stister is so sorry!" and gave him a kiss on his forehead and hugged him gently.

THAT'S my big girl!! I didn't ask her to apologize or to give him loves. She just decided to take responsibility all on her own and apologize to her baby brother.

*sigh* I hope this lasts forever!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

On a Mission to Find Manners!

I'm not sure when it started, but sometime between my 5th birthday and my 28th (which is seriously around the corner and scaring me to pieces!) people decided "Let's just not give a shit!"

Excuse my language; I understand that I'm writing about manners and here I go spouting off some filth. It's just that I get so worked up when someone is blatantly rude or completely ignores a kind gesture or even the opportunity to perform a kind gesture.

Here are my top 3 favorite manner rules:

1) Under no circumstances should you be talking on your Blackberry or IPhone when checking out at the grocery store, making a monetary transaction, being spoken to by a person of service face to face or ordering your daughter's Happy Meal in the McDonald's drive-thru. Ask the person on the other end "Can you hold on for a second please..." or "Can I call you back in just a few minutes?" In my final days in retail I very literally skipped people who were standing directly in front of my cash register, staring at the menu board, popping their gum and saying "Uh huh...oh I'm trying to decide what to, I'm at Barnes and Noble...have you had the Caramel Mocha Breve?...uh huh..." If you don't have time for me to serve you, you don't deserve to be served - Next Please!

2) When someone speaks to you, acknowledge them. I don't care if they are a complete stranger or your great-grandmother who requires you to yell into her left ear. If I ever ignored someone who spoke to me when I was growing up...well, let's just say it was not a pleasant experience. So the next time someone says "Excuse me" when walking in front of you in the grocery store, at a very minimum make eye contact and say "Sure." And when someone says "God Bless You" after you've sneezed seven times so loudly that the entire huddle of passengers at gate C7 is staring at you, you better pipe up and say "Thank You."

3) When you see a woman, ESPECIALLY a woman with children or with her arms full, and you're within 2 feet of the door she's about to enter, damn it you better open that door her!! This may sound chauvinistic, and I admit that I have done this for men and women alike, but a woman who is carrying groceries or carrying children or pushing a stroller deserves to have the door held open for her. Period.

So consider this my diary of manners I encounter - the good, the bad, and the embarrassing. I hope you're nice to me because I WILL put you on blast, right here on my blog!

I'm a Mommy on a Mission to Find Manners!